Scotland: Licensing Bill - Programme for Government 2013-14

11 Sep

The Scottish Government’s Programme for Scotland 2013-2014 sets out the legislation for the coming year, as well as summarising the main goals for the future.

Included in the legislation is the Licensing Bill which will seek to improve aspects of locally-led alcohol and civic government licensing in order to preserve public order and safety, reduce crime and advance public health. It will also provide local communities the power to regulate sexual entertainment venues in their areas and will protect public safety by creating a new licensing regime for air weapons.

The document goes on to state that: “The [Scottish] Government believes that local licensing authorities are best placed to reflect the views of the communities they serve in respect of a range of licensed activities. Subject to the outcome of ongoing consultation that closes on 24 September 2013 (click here for link), the Licensing Bill will create a licensing regime for sexual entertainment venues. The Bill will give local licensing authorities the power to determine whether sexual entertainment establishments should be authorised and under what conditions. The Scottish Government considers that it is appropriate that sexual entertainment venues should be licensed in order that the risk of criminality is reduced and both performers and customers benefit from a safe, regulated environment. Sexual entertainment covers a range of different legal activity, including lap dancing, strip shows, peep shows and live sex shows. Sexual entertainment licensing would not cover or authorise currently illegal activity, such as brothel keeping or trading in prostitution.”

It is also expected that The Licensing Bill will “improve aspects of locally led alcohol and civic government licensing including taking forward the commitment made in the 2011 Manifesto to make it an offence to supply alcohol to under-18s in a public place as well as a range of recommendations made by stakeholders to clarify and improve the operation of the current licensing legislation, to ensure effective regulatory processes and to reduce unnecessary burdens on business”.



We shall keep you updated as developments take place.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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